
Welcome To The Romantic World Of Rizwana Shaikh

About Rizwana Shaikh

I’m Rizwana Shaikh, a debut author, poet, and writing instructor dedicated to helping others unlock their creative potential. As I embark on my own writing journey, I invite you to join me on this path of discovery, where the art of storytelling and the beauty of poetry come alive.

Debut Works

Poetry Collection: “Whispers in the Moonlight” (forthcoming) – A poignant exploration of love, mental illness, and the human experience.

Novel: “Ashes” (in progress) – A fantasy adventure that delves into the mysteries of a post apocalyptic future world.

Writing Guidance

As an writing instructor, I’m passionate about empowering aspiring authors to bring their stories to life. Whether you’re a beginner or seeking to refine your craft, I offer:

Online Writing Courses: Structured programs covering the fundamentals of creative writing, world-building, and character development.

One-on-One Mentoring: Personalized guidance and feedback to help you overcome writing challenges and achieve your goals.

Writing Community: Join a supportive group of writers, where we share our work, provide constructive feedback, and celebrate each other’s successes.

Resources for Writers

Blog: Tips, tricks, and insights into the writing process, including character development, plotting, and editing.

Writing Tips & Exercises: A collection of practical exercises and prompts to help you overcome writer’s block and improve your craft.

Recommended Reads: A curated list of books on writing, creativity, and storytelling.

Resources for Readers

Blog: Book reviews and recommendations

Book club: Join a group of readers who are into reading the same things as you and talk endlessly about the characters and plot twists.

Thank You For Visiting

I’m thrilled to have you along on this exciting journey. Your support means the world to me, and I look forward to sharing my work with you in the near future.